
Lifeline has many servicing dealers located across the country that can service all FIA Tech List 16 systems. Please visit our dealer page to find the servicing dealer closest to you!


If you wish for Lifeline USA to complete the service on your bottle, please click on the one that best matches your system. 

  • Shipping companies will not always treat your bottle as nice as Lifeline will, please make sure it is packaged well.
  • DO NOT discharge the system if it has not already been discharge. Depending on the service this can incur additional charges. 
  • Please print our your order confirmation email and include it in the box with your bottle.
  • Bottles that are 10 years of age or older cannot be serviced.
  • Bottles that are 6 years past the date of last service can no longer be serviced.

We recommend replacing electric system Batteries with every service.