10lbs Auto + Mechanical


Pulling from experience designing and supporting the industry leading Sprint Car fire system, we have created the  SFI 17.1 Mechanical + Automatic  fire systems. Designed to be as simple and light as possible, while maintaining Lifeline's historic reputation for performance. From charging through the deserts of Baja, to turning laps at Daytona, we can offer you the most effective system that saves weight!  

0.00 0.0 USD 0.00


Invalid Options Selected

  • Tubing
  • Automatic Nozzles
  • Cage Clamps
  • Thermal Bulb Temp

This combination does not exist.

  • 6 Foot Pull Cable for Mechanical Activation
  • Industry Leading Light Weight Braided Automatic Lines
  • Fast Acting Automatic Thermal Bulb
  • Four Different Bulb Temperatures to Tune the System to Your Needs
  • 180° Spray Pattern for Mechanical Nozzles 
  • 360° Spray Pattern for Automatic Nozzles
  • Aluminum or Stainless Steel Mechanical Lines 

We offer the choice of Aluminum or Steel tubing to meet a range of sanctioning requirements.

Thermal Bulbs

We recommend using the lowest temperature (red) thermal bulb when ever possible as this will provide the fastest fire knock down time, but understand it might not always be ideal. Please review the bulb temperature list below, and if you have any questions, give us a call! 

Orange - 135°F / 57° NOT SFI CERTIFIED 

Red - 154ºF / 68ºC 

Yellow - 174ºF / 79ºC 

Green - 199ºF / 93ºC 

Blue - 286ºF / 141°C 

Purple - 360°F / 360°C NOT SFI CERTIFIED 


Expedited shipping of complete systems is available.  Additional handling charges apply.  Please call for a shipping quote.